The Second International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


A limited block of rooms have been reserved for the conference days (June 25-29, 2010) in
All three hotels are located on or next to the campus of TsinghuaUniversity. Jiasuo Hotel and Jinchunyuan Bldg were the university's former guest houses, but renovated in recent years (Jinchunyuan Bldg was renovated only half a year ago). Both hotels are located at the center of the campus, and are only a few minutes walk from the conference site (see Campus map: Uniscenter Hotel is a modern commercial-type hotel. It is located at the east gate of the campus, and has many coffee houses, restaurants and shops nearby. It is about 15 minutes walk from the conference site.
The prices for these three hotels are: (1$ = 6.83 RMB as of March 12, 2010)
  • Jiasuo hotel (standard room with two single-beds):          468 Yuan (RMB)/night
  • Jinchunyuan Bldg (standard room with two single-beds): 468 Yuan (RMB)/night
  • Uniscenter Hotel (standard room with one double bed):  470 Yuan (RMB)/night
All room rates include complementary breakfast buffet.
To make a hotel room reservation, please fill out the housing request form and return it to by April 20, 2010. After that deadline, we may not be able to guarantee a room for you.
For conference participants who will arrive before June 25 or after June 30, we may not be able to secure you a room for those extra days. But if your housing request form is sent to us early enough, then there is a good chance that we will be able to extend your hotel reservation to cover those extra days.
For a small number of conference participants whose hotel reservation forms were received after the deadline April 20, since all rooms in the above three hotels (Jiasuo, Jinchunyuan and Uniscenter) had been filled, these conference participants are provided with reservations in another adjacent hotel, WenJin Hotel. This hotel is a luxury (4-5 star) hotel at the South Gate of Tsinghua University, and its website is

This hotel is a few minutes walk from Uniscenter Hotel, and is closer to the conference site than the Uniscenter Hotel. The discounted rate we received for this hotel is:
        WenJin Hotel (standard room with two single-beds): 600 Yuan (RMB)/night

Due to air conditioning problems in Jinchunyuan Hotel, most conference participants who had a Jinchunyuan reservation have been moved to the Lakeview Hotel (a five-star hotel), which is at the west gate of Tsinghua University. More information on the Lakeview Hotel can be found at the hotel website:

If you will miss the airport pickup on June 25, your instruction to the taxi driver (in both English and Chinese) can be found at this conference website under "Transportation".